Module GettextCompat

module GettextCompat: sig .. end
Gettext compatibility with the native gettext API
Author(s): Sylvain Le Gall

val textdomain : GettextTypes.textdomain -> GettextTypes.t -> GettextTypes.t
textdomain domain t : Set the current text domain.
val get_textdomain : GettextTypes.t -> GettextTypes.textdomain
get_textdomain t : Returns the current text domain.
val bindtextdomain : GettextTypes.textdomain ->
GettextTypes.dir -> GettextTypes.t -> GettextTypes.t
bindtextdomain textdomain dir : Set the default base directory for the specified domain.
val bind_textdomain_codeset : GettextTypes.textdomain ->
GettextTypes.codeset -> GettextTypes.t -> GettextTypes.t
bind_textdomain_codeset textdomain codeset : Set the codeset to use for the specified domain. codeset must be a valid codeset for the underlying character encoder/decoder ( iconv, camomile, extlib... )
val gettext : GettextTypes.t' -> string -> string
gettext t' str : Translate the string str.
val fgettext : GettextTypes.t' -> string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
fgettext t' str : gettext returning format.
val dgettext : GettextTypes.t' -> GettextTypes.textdomain -> string -> string
dgettext t' textdomain str : Translate the string str for the specified domain.
val fdgettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain -> string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
fdgettext t' textdomain str : dgettext returning fformat.
val dcgettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain -> string -> GettextCategory.category -> string
dcgettext t' textdomain str category : Translate the string str for the specified domain and category.
val fdcgettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain ->
string -> GettextCategory.category -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
fdcgettext t' textdomain str category : dcgettext returning fformat.
val ngettext : GettextTypes.t' -> string -> string -> int -> string
ngettext t' str str_plural n : Translate the string str using a plural form. str_plural is the default english plural. n is the relevant number for plural ( ie the number of objects deals with the string ).
val fngettext : GettextTypes.t' -> string -> string -> int -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
fngettext t' str str_plural n : ngettext returning fformat.
val dngettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain -> string -> string -> int -> string
dngettext t' textdomain str str_plural n : Translate the string str using a plural form for the specified domain.
val fdngettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain ->
string -> string -> int -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
fdngettext t' textdomain str str_plural n : dngettext returning format.
val dcngettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain ->
string -> string -> int -> GettextCategory.category -> string
dcngettext t' textdomain str str_plural n category : Translate the string str using a plural form for the specified domain and category.
val fdcngettext : GettextTypes.t' ->
GettextTypes.textdomain ->
string ->
string -> int -> GettextCategory.category -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4
fdcngettext t' textdomain str str_plural n category : dcngettext returning fformat.